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The Enormous Crocodile

24 р. 14 к.
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Автор: Roald Dahl

Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2016

Возраст: от 9 до 12 лет

Художник: Quentin Blake

ISBN: 978-0141365510

Страниц: 66

Тип страниц: Мелованная

Переплет: Мягкий переплёт

Формат: 5 x 0.2 x 7.8 inches

With his "secret plans and clever tricks," the Enormous Crocodile desires to lunch not with but on a nice, juicy child. His croc companion, the Notsobig One, is the first to try to talk him out of his scheme, claiming children are no good to eat. "'Tough and chewy!' cried the Enormous Crocodile. 'Nasty and bitter! What awful tommyrot you talk! They are juicy and yummy!'" One jungle critter after another--from Trunky the elephant to Muggle-Wump the monkey to the Roly-Poly Bird--tries to prevent the Enormous Crocodile from carrying out his dastardly deed, but on he waddles toward the village. Unfortunately for him, the animals have a few secret plans and clever tricks up their furry sleeves, too!

This new storybook format of a fabulous Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake classic is destined to delight a whole new generation of young readers. The first collaborative effort of this picture-perfect creative match, The Enormous Crocodile's uniquely Dahl-esque dialogue and laugh-out-loud illustrations marked the beginning of a beautiful partnership. Some of their other creations include The Magic Finger and The BFG. Dahl is a master at giving readers a delectably sweet taste of vengeance. (Ages 6 to 10) --Emilie Coulter --This text refers to the School & Library Binding edition.

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